Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cancer insurance policy


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Why this policy?

Nobody knows when and how this cancer comes to anybody, just like the dialogue of superstar of India, ‘I don’t know when and how I will come, but will definitely come when in need’, but the sad part is no one wish to get this cancer as most of them are not curable and the cost of getting cured is humongous that it may wipe out all your savings and your energy. The concept of prevention is better than cure is not applicable, as it is difficult to apply to this cancer as many miss out the symptoms of cancer and the awareness of getting checked for this is very less.

If cancer is found in the early stages it can be cured at a cost and only on certain rare occurrences if found in stage 3 or 4 it is difficult to give treatment and cure the person. The cost of treatment will also be higher in the latter stages. Basically the treatment consists of doctor visits, lab tests, Scans, Radiation treatments, drug costs, hospital stays and visits, surgery costs and home care. A recent study in United States found that cost of cancer care is large due to the cost of new drugs. Of the 12 prescribed drugs there, 11 were priced above 1million dollar for a year of treatment. Cost of chemotherapy varies with the type of cancer and it is the only alternative to reduce the re-occurrence of cancer.


Cancer insurance policy has emerged around 50 years ago, it was created by American heritage life insurance and Aflac for the people who have been asking coverage for this disease. Though emergence of this disease has increased considerably in the last few decades the cost of medical treatment has stayed higher due to the complex nature of this disease.
There is no definite reason for the occurrence of cancer cells in anybody’s body. During mutation of cell some cells get damaged and instead of getting dyeing they start accumulating and form the cancer tissue and they start invading other parts of the body. A person having lung cancer may also have cancer cells spreading to stomach, throat etc.  There are more than 100 different types of cancer.

Symptoms of cancer

1)      Coughing, chest pain and breathlessness

2)      Changes in bowel habits such as pain in abdomen, persistent bloating, blood on your stools etc

3)      Bleeding when you cough, vomit, during urination etc

4)      New irregular Moles

5)      Unexplained weight loss

6)      Lump in your breast

These are some of the symptoms that may cause cancer; get it checked with your family doctor before jumping into conclusions.

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