Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cancer Insurance Policy - 2

                                          [Imagesource : livemint.com]
Lifestyle changes are the main reason for cancer and the only way to combat this deadly disease is to our body better than anybody else. Any small change has to be given care if it is persistent for a long time. No need to panic as we have much better facilities for getting cured. Many were not aware until Lisa ray, Yuvaraj singh, Manisha koirala got themselves cured from cancer and back with a bang with the same vigor and proved to the world they can lead a normal life.

Cost of treatment

Most of the cancer treatment if found in the latter stages will run into lakhs which is not affordable by most of the people. Many are first generation income earners with many loans to close and cancer can cause a huge burden to their current lifestyle and it will emotionally drain your family. Get yourself insured with very less premium for a maximum coverage for cancer as this will not be covered with normal health insurance policy. Just like air this is spreading everywhere due to pollution unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking etc.

Benefits of cancer insurance

è Comprehensive coverage that takes care of early and advanced stages
è Free medical screening every year for the entre duration of the policy
è Future premium waiver if advanced stage is detected
è Easy cash payouts during treatment
è Premium covered under section 80D

Geography of cancer as mentioned in India today


Premium may be as low as 300 per month for a policy of 10 lakhs. Allocating 10 per day for protecting yourself from a dreadful disease should be necessary.

Your Money Matters – Even a healthy lifestyle and body needs proper attention, get insured and stay healthy

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cancer insurance policy


                                                                        [imagesource : insuranceroots.com]

Why this policy?

Nobody knows when and how this cancer comes to anybody, just like the dialogue of superstar of India, ‘I don’t know when and how I will come, but will definitely come when in need’, but the sad part is no one wish to get this cancer as most of them are not curable and the cost of getting cured is humongous that it may wipe out all your savings and your energy. The concept of prevention is better than cure is not applicable, as it is difficult to apply to this cancer as many miss out the symptoms of cancer and the awareness of getting checked for this is very less.

If cancer is found in the early stages it can be cured at a cost and only on certain rare occurrences if found in stage 3 or 4 it is difficult to give treatment and cure the person. The cost of treatment will also be higher in the latter stages. Basically the treatment consists of doctor visits, lab tests, Scans, Radiation treatments, drug costs, hospital stays and visits, surgery costs and home care. A recent study in United States found that cost of cancer care is large due to the cost of new drugs. Of the 12 prescribed drugs there, 11 were priced above 1million dollar for a year of treatment. Cost of chemotherapy varies with the type of cancer and it is the only alternative to reduce the re-occurrence of cancer.


Cancer insurance policy has emerged around 50 years ago, it was created by American heritage life insurance and Aflac for the people who have been asking coverage for this disease. Though emergence of this disease has increased considerably in the last few decades the cost of medical treatment has stayed higher due to the complex nature of this disease.
There is no definite reason for the occurrence of cancer cells in anybody’s body. During mutation of cell some cells get damaged and instead of getting dyeing they start accumulating and form the cancer tissue and they start invading other parts of the body. A person having lung cancer may also have cancer cells spreading to stomach, throat etc.  There are more than 100 different types of cancer.

Symptoms of cancer

1)      Coughing, chest pain and breathlessness

2)      Changes in bowel habits such as pain in abdomen, persistent bloating, blood on your stools etc

3)      Bleeding when you cough, vomit, during urination etc

4)      New irregular Moles

5)      Unexplained weight loss

6)      Lump in your breast

These are some of the symptoms that may cause cancer; get it checked with your family doctor before jumping into conclusions.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Family floater health insurance - 2

Gaining popularity of having this policy would have forced you to take one such policy immediately, but have you disclosed all the details to your insurer.  You had seen the benefits of having this policy in detail in the earlier article, now you can see the ways to get proper benefits and need to provide all the information while taking this policy.

Am having company insurance, should I get another one?

Rajesh has been shifting companies frequently every two or three years, and in all the companies he has been getting sum insured for death and family floater policy for a minimum of 5 lakhs. Whenever he has been approached to take a separate family floater policy to have proper continuity he had denied saying it is extra waste of money and medical bill reimbursements will not be covered in such policy. Once during transfer to another company he has met with a minor accident he was admitted in a hospital where his existing medical insurance was not accepted due to his resignation with his earlier company. This is a very unfortunate situation and he was forced to liquidate all cash in his bank deposits to meet with the medical expenses. Suppose if he has taken a separate medical cover all this would have got covered in that medical insurance. Now he has taken a separate family floater insurance policy including his parent and in laws.

Am having company insurance, why should I get Top up?

Sam has been working with a leading software company in Bangalore and he has not moved out of the company for the last 5 years. He had got married in between and included his wife also in the same policy. Now he has got a kid which also has been included in the policy. All these years coverage has just moved from 3Lakhs to 5 Lakhs for the whole family. The whole family is having coverage of just 5 lakhs though he has been asked to get at least a Top up on existing insurance policy he was always reluctant to get another one. Suddenly during a travel they had met with an accident during which he had suffered minor injuries and his wife, kid met with injuries for which major surgery needs to be performed. He had liquidated all the cash which he has been accumulating over the years to save his family and love, after all the earnings were for them. If he had opted for a top up of another 15lakhs, it would have been a hassle free treatment with the whole coverage.

Should I get a more coverage?

Believe the health insurance agent or broker if he explains you all the required details and benefits in having his company policy. He will always say it is superior to the competitor, get the details of the other company also, compare and select the policy. Don’t buy a policy if it is just cheaper compared to others as the premium may be increased from the next year owing to revisions, so check the claim settlement, customer service when in need, benefits offered by the company in comparison to other health insurance policies.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Family floater health insurance


                                                                                [Imagesource : maxbupa.com]

Why this Policy

Family floater health insurance, those working in corporate offices or in some of the middle level companies this is being offered were people can claim any health related medical bills from an insurance company thru their office. This has reduced the burden of sudden hospitalization and the stress of paying the money by taking loan. Considering the medical expenses which are increasing faster than the inflation rate it is the need of the hour for everyone in India. An individual policy of 10Lakhs for a 30 year old will cost you around 7-8000 and if it is been taken for all the individuals it will be a huge no-no from everyone, instead if this family opts for family floater for 2+2 it will be around 15-16000.

Is it Necessary?

Cost of a normal fever or any food poison itself is running into thousands when you go for better medical facility. If you are being admitted in a hospital for a day or two with series of medical check- ups and scans it will run into several thousand’s which will be difficult to manage for a normal middle class family. For example, Hernia operation can be around 2Lakhs if you want to get treated in the best multi-chain hospital, but the cost may force you to go for a cheaper hospital even in that hospital it may cost you more than 60-70000 on an average. As hernia has to be treated as soon as possible and it’s a big amount for a normal family living in metropolitan lifestyle, in this situation family floater can be a big boon. Though the cost of medical treatment is far less when compared to western countries it is by far difficult for a normal family in India were the average wage or salary itself is very less.

How to choose?

Sum assured has to be chosen carefully as this is going to be for the whole family and once exhausted by any member of the family it can be restored only in the next year. Higher policy of more than 10 lakhs is very much essential. Though at present you may feel it is unnecessary, consider the inflation and medical inflation. The cost of surgery and all have increased in the last 10 years, think of the future cost and choose the policy. Assess the risk of your health and the family member health, disclose before paying the premium. Premium will be higher for person with smoking habit and drinking habit.

Some of the public sector insurance company has option of providing family floater but the criteria they have is each individual have their sub limits.  You have chosen 5lakh policy and you are a family of three with yourself and your wife having a sub limit of 2lakh each and your kid is having sub limit of 1 lakh. If you get treated for some of the disease and if your limit is exhausted, your insurance company will not pay more than 2lakh. Most of the private insurers have policy value alone for the whole family and they don’t have sub limit for each individual.

If you are going to choose among 2 companies you have zeroed in, choose the number of hospital that a insurance company is having under its kitty and how fast the claim is being settled or how the process is being speeded up if the customer is being admitted in hospital and waiting for insurance approval.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Health insurance policy for senior citizens

[Image source : retail.starhealth.in]
India had grown a lot from 1947, from the day we had got Independence; along with that we have also seen the gradual increase in the average age of death of Indians. In 1947 it was 28, now the average age of death is around 63.The increase in medical facility for the common man had increased the average age of death. Everyone is able to afford for the medicine with the money they earn and after retirement with the pension amount.

For the non pensioners they need to make it up with the available corpus if they had built over the years or else it will be difficult to deal with any critical illness which may come at any time. Senior citizen health insurance policy will be from age 65 to 80 based on the IRDA guidelines. Normal policy covers till the age of  65.

Need for Health Insurance for senior citizens

Health Insurance is needed at very early stage and if you had missed taking it up during that time, you need for sure during your old age from 60. Hypertension and diabetes had become common across all and slowly it may show up for sure during old age with any critical illness. The reason for cancer is unknown and it is not about being healthy and protecting for all diseases. Any accident can cause you serious injuries, so it is better to act pro actively. It is always ‘prevention is better than cure’, so have the right insurance policy before onset of any disease.

How to choose

Look at the coverage period and the number of illness they are covering. Though all insurance policies may be covering all the diseases you need to carefully look at the exclusions of certain diseases with insurance agents or brochure. Certain diseases will be covered after certain lock in period only if it is pre existing and any new onset of illness will be covered immediately.

Tricky part is how much cover is essential and you can choose the maximum available. All the critical illness disease will make you to spend more than 10Lakhs and it is best to choose a minimum of 10-15Lakhs as cover. Some of the insurance offers one free check up every year which will be of great benefit to senior citizens. Based on the cover there will be co-payment for some of the diseases, in surgeon fees and room rent as well

Senior citizen policy offered by

It is offered by most of the Insurance companies in India. Bajaj Allianz, National Insurance, Max Bupa, Star health Insurance, Apollo Munich and ICICI Lombard.

Money will be of great help if you had accumulated at your young age, but what if the money is eroded just to cure your disease, protect yourself from any disease with proper health Insurance policy.